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Season 2A
Season 1
Season 2B
Season 6
Season 4
Season 5
Afterpink Authourity
After Pink's "shattering" 3 lesser diamonds banded together to protect her colony, her subjects and her legacy, after finding out about Rose Quartz & Steven Universe, they kept the Authority together to protect Humans & The Earth. Afterpink Authourity is now one of the strongest alliances in the universe.
The Confederacy
Originally intended to be an direct opposition to the Afterpink Authority, it since has transformed into an anti Ivanite movement with the addition of the Reptoid Empire. Quickly gaining attention from governments and empires all over, It has amassed many enemies including many key multiversal parties.
The Perfect Society
Friends that have rebelled or got together in times of hardship or crisis. The group has stablished a tiny society of friends who believe all gems should be free to be whoever they want to be.
The C Empire
As old as White Diamond herself, C has become a very authoritative figure in Universe 4. Conquering a piece of the multiverse for himself. After the dissolvement of the Great Diamond Authority, he took advantage to advance his territories and invade other universes. The C empire has propelled artificial engineering of newer class gems, and has developed better methods of yielding EGO class gems. C's endgame and true intentions remains unknown.
The Great Diamond Authourity
The Great Diamond Authority was the matriarchal body of Gem leaders. Its membership consisted of White Diamond, Yellow Diamond, Blue Diamond, and prior to Era 2, Pink Diamond. It has since been disbanded and gems in all of its previous colonies have elected independent democratic leaders.